What is Glaucoma?
The optic nerve is born in the eye and carries visual information to the brain. Glaucoma is a premature aging of the beginning of the optic nerve, located in the eye. It is responsible for a gradual reduction in the field of vision, starting with the periphery and ending with the center, which explains why visual acuity is long kept at 10/10. But when the visual acuity decreases, it usually means that a good part of the field of vision has disappeared, the patients then have the impression of seeing.
The alteration of the optic nerve may be due to:
- In most cases, an increase in chronic or acute intraocular pressure.
- Poor quality vessels, especially those of the optic nerve. Fragility of the optic nerve.
The last two reasons are predominant in “normal pressure” glaucoma. In other glaucoma, the rise in intraocular pressure can sometimes be very strong, brutal and painful, it is acute glaucoma which must be treated urgently; most often, the pressure is moderately high, painless, it is chronic glaucoma, which must be detected by the ophthalmologist because the patient does not feel any signs for many years.

Glaucoma Symptoms:
- Slow loss of the side vision
- Headaches, redness & pain in eyes
- Quickly changing glass prescription
- Reduced vision in dim (low) light conditions or at night
- Seeing halos rings around lights.
How To Diagnose Glaucoma?
By a complete clinical ophthalmological examination of the eye, including the taking of intraocular pressure and the examination of the iridocorneal angle, associated with additional examinations: measurement of the thickness of the cornea, visual field, laser measurement of the thickness of the optic nerve (OCT), photos of the optic nerve head.
Treating Glaucoma
There is no treatment that regenerates the optic nerve: we do not yet know how to restore the peripheral vision that has been lost. This is why glaucoma should be detected as early as possible.
On the other hand, the treatments aim to stop or slow down the alteration of the optic nerve. The ophthalmologist will lower your intraocular pressure with eye drops, sometimes laser, or even surgery. He will also recommend that you do not take products that are toxic to the optic nerve such as alcohol and tobacco and have your vascular risk factors checked by your doctor.
How To Watch For Glaucoma?
By a clinical ophthalmological examination of the eye, in particular the taking of intraocular pressure, associated with complementary examinations: visual field, laser measurement of the thickness of the optic nerve (OCT), photos of the head of the optic nerve.
Aftercare And Recovery:
After the surgery, antibiotics and eye drops will be recommended which should be taken for a specific period of time and are important to forestall contamination and decrease unwanted irritation in the eyes. Patients need to keep away from strenuous exercises for half a month after the medical procedure and to abstain from driving until they feel great. You should make an effort not to rub or scratch your eyes despite the fact that it is normal for them to feel bothersome after the procedure.