Cataracts are a common result of aging and frequently occur in older people. About one in 65 has a cataract and it affects the way we lead our life commonly. As a cataract progresses, the eye lens becomes cloudy and makes our daily activities to perform much harder. Cataract surgery is a simple procedure where most people undergo and helps to lead a normal life even after the surgery.
What is a cataract?
Cataract means clouding and darkening of the eye lens, which blocks vision. Strong lighting and usage of glasses can help when cataracts are small but, as cataracts grow, many people need to undergo cataract surgery. In the cataract surgery process, the lenses are removed and replaced with an intraocular lens implant. This lens will help to restore the vision back.
Cataracts are commonly found in aged people
Cataracts start small and affect only a minor part of the eye. So we have no idea that a cataract is present. Gradually, people find it hard to see things that are close and far, when cataracts are present. Aged people find things brighter in daylight and very dark in the nighttime when compared with others. Gradually, this condition increases and after a few days, the cataract will grow to cover the lens. As a result, a greater part of vision gets affected.
Symptoms of cataracts in aged people
- Old people with cataracts find things cloudy, blurry, and dim.
- Aged people will face difficulty in seeing things at night i.e. when they are in the dark.
- People with cataracts come across eye issues very frequently and need eye-check ups regularly.
- Few see multiple images in a single eye.
- Sudden vision changes are observed when cataracts are present in a person.
The need for Cataract surgery for aged people
If a person’s ability to perform activities such as reading, driving, watching TV is affected on a greater scale, then doctors recommend cataract surgery. Cataract surgery is the only way to remove cataracts and is a very quick, low risk, and efficient procedure. We need to remove cataract even if it is not affecting the vision because cataracts may lead to a few severe eye diseases too. Here are a few benefits of cataract surgery.
- Cataract surgery improves the overall quality of life.
- It impacts the activities we perform each day positively.
- It makes aged people depend less on glasses.
- It improves self-confidence and a positive attitude towards life.
- Cataract surgery improves the safety of aged people.
- Helps aged people to perform daily activities easily.
- Cataract surgery at an appropriate time is important for maintaining a patient’s excellent health.
Thus, cataract surgery is very much needed for aged people and will help to restore vision. Cataract surgery has been shown in various studies that it is the most efficient process to get rid of cataracts and improves the emotional, mental, and physical well being of patients. Come back to normal life and lead a new normal with cataract surgery.